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POST 1176 September 2014


Hello American Legion Post 1176 Members,

Hope this newsletter finds you all well.

The Biggsville Post is in pretty good shape, we have 43 members. Number 43 is Becky Newton. Becky is the daughter of member Chuck Newton and is in the Air National Guard. Welcome Becky to the Post! Becky is the 2nd woman in our post. Sara Bigger being the other. We still have 15 members that haven’t paid. So, if you get your notice, please forward. The post gets a bonus if we get them by October 15th. You probably noticed the dues went up $1 to $26. The Department gets it all. We decided that the Post didn’t really make a lot from the dues. So, we send it all to the Department.

It was decided in our last meeting, not to have a Fish/Chicken Fry, this year. We just didn’t get enough support from the public. There is a lot going on that weekend of Heritage Trails. So, we are laying off one year and then reassess. We actually made more from the Spaghetti Dinner than from the fish fry.

We sent Joby Arnold to Boys State this year and Taylor Link to Girls State. In the future we will only send a girl if they are related to one of our members.

The post also got a stone placed in front of the Biggsville library commemorating the dedication of the flag pole. Members from the Biggsville American Legion and Stronghurst Legion and the VFW were on hand for the setting of the stone. Thanks to everyone that participated.

We also donated toward Gifts for the Yanks, along with the Stronghurst Auxiliary for sweaters for veterans in the local nursing home.

Memorial Day services went off, without rain this year. Commander Kelly presented Russell Liston with a plaque for his dedication to the Memorial Day services.

Our next meeting is October 6 at 1900 hours. The District Commander will be attending the meeting. So, hope we have a good turnout. I will be serving soup after the meeting. Hope to see you there.

If you know of anyone that wants to belong to the American Legion, let me know any I will send you a form for them to fill out and you will get a nice lapel pin for recruiting them. Some people don’t want to join thinking they will be pestered with request to do a lot. We are a low key post and don’t ask a lot. We just need members to keep our Post alive.

Robert Cravens


P.S. I need 3 more members to do the parade in Biggsville on the 27th of Sept. we would meet up at the post at 0915 and been done by 1030. I will be there, but have a cast on my left arm and may be able to carry a flag but not sure. May have to strap it to my castJ I would appreciate any assistance.

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